
This page is still under consturction. However ..

You can find part of my IT resume on Lnkedin.com/in/rhyker2u

Our Mission for 2024

Top 5

  1. Provide complimentary IT support for our GotBackUp (GBU) VIP customers.
  2. Teach members of the brands we support,  how to get the most out of their Desktop & laptops computers. Specializing on MacOS, Cybersecurity, and Crypto Tokens.
  3. Teach people EarnWithEarnie.com’s workflow how to save time online
  4. Teach people how to earn perpetual Automated income through Project CCM
  5. Launch our own European ITSM / M(S)SP / VASP brand through 10X-Mansion.com

Give to Earn / Charitable causes

We cannot give estimates yet on percentages as we are heaviily investing into Managed Service Provider software. However we already supporting and continue to support these charitable causes:

  • Kiva
  • Trees For All

Expecting to add more in 2024 ..

This entire site is being rebuild with new services and purpose. ETA: autumn '24

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